On the 16th of November 2024, Prof. Dr. Filipe de Castro Soeiro, 3. Dan, will participate as “Trainer/ Lehrer” together with Klaus Fingerle – DKV Bundes-StilRef. Goju-Ryu, 8. Dan

On the 16th of November 2024, Prof. Dr. Filipe de Castro Soeiro, 3. Dan, will participate as “Trainer/Lehrer” together with Klaus Fingerle – DKV Bundes-StilRef. Goju-Ryu, 8. DanProf. Dr. Franz […]
Sensei Ulrich Heckhuis (9.Dan), as “Trainer/ Lehrer” and Sensei Prof. Dr. Filipe de Castro Soeiro (IOGKF 3.Dan) participated on WGKF Karate Seminar Internationales Goju-Ryu

Sensei Prof. Dr. Filipe de Castro Soeiro participated on WGKF Karate Seminar Internationales Goju-Ryu with the following Goju-Ryu Masters (Senseis):– Pieter Harms 10. Dan (Belgien)– Dennis May 9. Dan (Neuseeland)– […]
Sensei Prof. Dr. Filipe de Castro Soeiro (3. Dan) participated as a guest in “BKV Tag” (14.09.2024)

Sensei Prof. Dr. Filipe de Castro Soeiro (3. Dan) participated as a guest in “BKV Tag” on 14th September 2024, where he concluded his first “Kampfrichter Lehrgang” / Referee Training […]
Sensei Prof. Dr. Filipe de Castro Soeiro participated as a guest in Summer: training, exam, campfire (12.08.2024)

Sensei Prof. Dr. Filipe de Castro Soeiro participated as a guest in Summer: training, exam, campfire on 12th August 2024 Goju-Ryu summer course in Beeskow:https://www.karate-gkd.de/news/924-sommer-training-pruefung-lagerfeuerThe summer training was conducted by […]
Opening training at Okinawa Goju-Ryu Karate Do Berlin e.V.

Opening training at Okinawa Goju-Ryu Karate Do Berlin e.V. On Okinawa, it is a tradition to present a friendship gift to the dojo leader when opening a karate dojo. Friends […]
Monatliches Kata-Training der Stilrichtung Goju-Ryu (18.05.2024)

Monatliches Kata-Training der Stilrichtung Goju-Ryu (18.05.2024) Gut besucht ist das monatliche Angebot der Stilrichtung Goju-Ryu im LV Berlin. Kata und Bunkai an jedem ersten Samstag im Monat zu trainieren, wurde […]