

Firstly, and foremostly, we train, study and teach traditional Okinawa Goju-Ryu Karate by following and understanding the lifelong history, cultural traditions and philosophy of this martial art. By doing so, we envision acting to preserve traditional Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate-Do as part of an intangible cultural worldwide treasure heritage, which we feel inspired by and responsible for.

In this sense, Karate is no longer only the karate of Okinawa, and it has spread worldwide as Karate Do, and nowadays it has been also incorporated in the school curriculum of many countries. We keep its essence, as traditionally, we look at its purpose through 3 different inseparable objectives. The first point is to train karate as a sport that develop a healthy physical body. The second point is to acquire a self-defense method practicing karate as a martial art. The third point is to discipline the “heart” through karate training to become a better individual.

We put Karate’s original essence into modern challenging context of our societies and aim to create  positive impact in everyone’s lives regarding their sporting lifestyle, health and wellbeing, as well as to improve their physical, mental and spiritual abilities. Ultimately, we feel inspired by the art and the way of life it stands for.