OGKVB – Okinawa Goju-Ryu Karate Do Berlin e.V. (IOGKF Berlin) is a non-profit sports association “Sportverein” based in Berlin that was founded in 2023 for researching, teaching and training the traditional system of practices of Okinawa Goju-Ryu Karate-Do. The meaning of Goju-Ryu can be freely translated by: ‘the hard-soft Karate style’ of Okinawa.
The traditional Goju-Ryu style originally from the Japanese Island of Okinawa with Chinese martial arts roots is about pure effectiveness in situations of self-defense, as well as an essential contribution to physical, mental and spiritual development. We aim to experience the ultimate form and state-of-mind of traditional Goju-Ryu Karate in its full emptiness, happiness and fulfillment.
Our dojo association is affiliated with International Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate Do (IOGKF), the largest international Martial Art organization covering Traditional Goju-Ryu Karate, which was founded in 1979 by the legendary Master Morio Higaonna, and now led by Sensei Tetsuji Nakamura.
Our association is also affiliated with Deutschland Karate Verband (DKV). The training classes are primarily given by Filipe de Castro Soeiro, 3rd Dan (DKV and IOGKF). Filipe de Castro Soeiro holds a DKV and DOSB A-Trainer License Leistungssport and is the Dojo Head Instructor and the President of the Association.
Sensei Filipe de Castro Soeiro studies, teaches and researches Okinawa Goju-Ryu Karate Do, Self-defense, Kyusho and vital points, Intelligent movement and decision making. Moreover, he also studies other Go and Ju techniques from Chinese Martial Arts, including Breathing techniques, Energy flow and Acupoints (TCM), Body-Mind connection and Meditation.
Prof. Dr. Filipe de Castro Soeiro is a senior international leader in higher education and an accomplished university professor who works in Berlin Germany and developed his career in education and in other industrial sectors in Europe, USA and China. He is an avid learner and a curious teacher, holding five university degrees and three post-graduation programs in STEM subject matters.